Help & Advice

Questioning is part of preventing

In our daily work we may face situations from time to time which are not explicitly covered by the Roche Group Code of Conduct or the documents it refers to (e.g. directives, policies, guidelines). If we are unsure about the correct behaviour, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Is my behaviour legal?
  • Is it in line with Roche’s Values?
  • Does it comply with the Roche Group Code of Conduct?
  • Could it have negative consequences for Roche or myself?
  • Would I be comfortable if it was reported in a newspaper?

Often this will provide all the guidance we need. However, in case of doubts or uncertainties about the correct behaviour, seeking help and advice is the right thing to do.

By fostering a culture of openness to ask questions, Roche, first and foremost, aims to prevent non-compliant behaviour. Roche Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that all employees reporting to them receive the help and advice they need to comply with the Roche Group Code of Conduct.

Contacts to address uncertainties are: our Line Manager, the local Compliance Officer, the Chief Compliance Officer or the Roche Group Code of Conduct Help & Advice Line (RoCoCHAL).

We are all expected to:
  • Seek help and advice if we have doubts about the correct business behaviour.
  • Provide help and advice to employees who report to us.
Questions & Answers

What can I do if I am unsure about a correct business behaviour?

Ask yourself specific questions such as “Would I be comfortable if my behav-iour was reported in a newspaper”? In case of doubt, seek help and advice.

Where can I seek help and advice?

You can contact your Line Manager, the local Compliance Officer or the Chief Compliance Officer. In addition to locally and regionally available help and advice tools, you can also submit a request to the Roche Group Code of Conduct Help & Advice Line.

Further Informations

Further information and guidance can be found on the Roche Internet and Intranet. For specific information consult the Roche Directive on the Use of the Roche Group Code of Conduct Help & Advice Line.

Need help and advice?