Contacts & References

Compliance Contacts

The most recent names and contact details of the Compliance Officers can be found on the Roche Intranet.


Further information and guidance as noted on each chapter of the Roche Group Code of Conduct can be found on the Roche Intranet as well as on the Roche Internet, if published in public domain.

Roche Position Papers ensure consistent internal and external communication with key stakeholders. They can be found on the Roche Internet.

To support the key messages of the Roche Group Code of Conduct and to help explain the importance of integrity in business, Roche has set up a comprehensive Compliance Management System, which includes eLearning programs, such as the “Roche Behaviour in Business” (RoBiB) and other user-friendly training tools, such as Compliance Podcasts.

The Roche Group Code of Conduct is also available for mobile devices under the following URL: Hard copies are available upon request to the Compliance Administrators in Basel ([email protected]).