Conflict of Interest
Personal interests must not unduly influence our professional judgment
A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s personal interests are inconsistent with those of Roche and create conflicting loyalties. As Roche employees we must avoid situations where our personal interests conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of Roche.
Activities of relatives and close associates can cause conflicts of interest. We should not take part in, appear to take part in or exert influence on any decision that may put our own interest in conflict with the best interest of Roche.
We should not unduly use our position at Roche for personal benefit or to benefit relatives or close associates. We must carefully consider the potential conflict of interest prior to the acceptance of secondary employment.
Professional engagements outside of Roche, including third-party board memberships, can result in conflicts of interest. Therefore, employees may accept a board membership in a third-party company, commercial entity or scientific advisory board only upon obtaining the prior approval of the relevant Roche executive in the organisation as defined in the Roche Directive on Employees Holding Board Memberships. No prior approval is required for board memberships of charitable, not-for-profit and non-commercial organisations (e.g. sports clubs, charities).
Many actual or potential conflicts of interest can be resolved in an acceptable way for both the individual and the company. In case of a conflict of interest, the employee concerned should immediately inform his/her Line Manager in order to find an appropriate solution.
Perception matters: Roche employees must not only avoid actual conflicts of interest, but also situations where an outsider might assume a conflict of interest situation that the employee might not intend or be aware of.